i spent 3 hours and i cant make it work, if someone can helpme pls, i try to integrate this:

the remove class and the pause/resume cycle

       jQuery("#btn_pausa a").bind("click", function() {
jQuery(this).addClass("current").parent().parent().find("a").not(jQuery(this)).removeClass("current"); // wow!

the html have 2 buttons, i only want the "pause button" keep pressed
the css is this

#btn_pausa a {
   margin: 0 4px 0 0;
   width: 31px;
   height: 29px;
   padding: 29px 0 0 0;
   height /**/:29px; /* for IE5/Win only */
   background: url(tpl/btn_pausa.gif) top left no-repeat;

#btn_pausa a:hover,
#btn_pausa a.current {
   background-position: 0 -29px;

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