Hi everybody,

I hope yomebody can help. I am using jquery's append-function to
append text, to be parsed to dom-nodes and, in case of script-tags, to
be evaluated.

Internally jquery is currently using an ajax-call (in evalScript) in
case a script-tag with src-attribute was found. It also specifies
datatype: "script" and async: false - exactly what I need.

I know most of you now would say, why do you want to call script
synchronously??? I need it, since I am overwriting a function which is
called remotly and do need to have those script evaluations in order.

Unfortunatelly async: false is not working, the follwing code is
parsed despite the remote script call not being complete.

This way I cannot be sure which code is executed at the moment and
cannot the variables I am depending on in the remote script function I
am overwriting. Or do you have any other idea how to set some kind of
scope for the remotly called scripts?

Thank you in advance


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