i am looking for a solution to scroll pages smoothly and found the
example at


that does exactly what i want. i ported the code, but to my dismay, it
stopped working in both firefox and ie. i finally found the culprit
is, surprise!, the XHTML doctype declaration i put at the very top of
my version:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://

i can remove the declaration and the script works again. i also tried
to build a scrolling animation method on my own, and it does seem to
work, but i would very much prefer the standard solution.

any ideas why an XHTML document refuses to do

$( 'body' ).animate( { scrollTop: y }, d, 'bounceout' ); };

while an HTML document (and even a non-valid HTML-fragment like the ../
test2.html page) has no such problems?

thanks in advance for any comments.


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