Hi, hope everyone is well...
my problem is simple, i am using load() to add an external file form
contents to the dom. normally i have a listener   for form elements
such as inputs and textareas in my $(function() {  }) that adds a
class to inputs on focus and removes it on blur...

but it doesnt work on the form that is load() 'ed in unless i have the
script embedded in the html that is load()'ed

i can live with this but i am curious if anyone knows the proper way
where i can keep my javascript separate from the html?

thanks and for the curious out there here is the code:

jQuery(function() {
                // pretty up the form elements on focus
                jQuery('input').focus(function() {
                }).blur(function() {

                jQuery('textarea').focus(function() {
                }).blur(function() {

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