I've got a ajax request that grabs a json response.

In order to be able to sort and get data from the response, I put the
response into a few objects using
                var dates={};
                var ids={};
          $.each(jsondata.entry, function(){
                        ids[this.id] = [];

                             dates[this.date] = [];
         for(var d in dates){
                var date=d;
                $('div#holddates').append('<ul class="dayList" id="'+date
+'"><li class="date" >'+date+'</li></ul>');
                $.each(dates[date], function(){
                $('ul#'+date).append('<li class="cal" id="'+this.id

When a user clicks on one of the dates, i go back to the json and get
a location from the id object

   $('li.show').livequery('click', function(){

        var getSid=$(this).attr('id');
        $.each(bids[getSid], function(){


All of this code works the first time I get an ajax response, however,
if I make another ajax request, the first portion loads (so I get the
list with the id and name), but if I click that name, I seem to not
get access to the object again.

The first alert does show the correct id is being clicked, but I can't
seem to get past that.

Whats I found very strange is that if I pass the object into the
livequery function, then it always fails, even on the first response.

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