hey all,

i'm trying to create something in the line of a file list with an
option to drag the selected file
right now i have a <ul> with a list of files. selectable was set on
this <ul> and draggable on every <li>, so now i can select many files,
and drag one.
the problem is that when i start to drag a list item i have the
rectangle selector thing appear.
for starters i would like to have only one file selectable at a time
(so i won't have the selecting rectangle appear) and be able to drag
the list item.
if it's possible to combine the two for multiple selections and
dragging all the selections at once that would be great, but it's low
priority right now...

sadly, i can't provide a link of some sort since it's a part of a
bigger project that relies on a lot of things in my network...

thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in the right direction!

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