
I've got this weird thing where whenever I call show(), the DOM
element it's being called on pops open twice!
I've narrowed down the area of the code that seems to run twice to the
following section in jquery.js.

(starting line 1575)

    animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
        return this.queue(function(){

            this.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);
            var opt = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);

            for ( var p in prop ) {
                var e = new jQuery.fx( this, opt, p );
                if ( prop[p].constructor == Number )
                    e.custom( e.cur(), prop[p] );
                    e[ prop[p] ]( prop );


I've verified that animate() is called only once but the 'for' loop
runs twice.
I have tried calling $('#myElementId').show() both with a number
(time) as it's parameter and also with 'slow' as the parameter.
I'm hoping someone who knows how jquery handles animations will have a
I should also point out that the element I'm trying to show contains
html with a couple of embedded flash movies.

Thanks much.

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