on my test.php page i have a set of divs, the visibility of which is
toggled via a menu that uses jquery toggle(). the menu points to
domain.com#test1 - domain.com#test2 - domain.com#test3 and the divs
are #test1, #test2 and #test3. #test1 is shown by default, when the
page loads by using css to hide all divs but #div1

id like #test3 to appear if some one clicks a link from an external
page that points to domain.com/test.php#3 - is that possible?

is klaus' history plugin the most appropriate solution for this? if
so, how do i get started? i read the documentation in the file but
cant quite figure it out. or is there a better way of doing it?

basically if some one clicks on a link pointing to domain.com/
test.php#test3 i want the default #div1 hidden and #div3 shown.

thanks for any pointers

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