[jQuery] Simple Ajax question

2008-11-03 Thread Thomas
Hi! I have a basic question with jQueryed ajax. How can I reach elements by tag name ? I have this js: $.ajax({ url:some.xml, type: POST, dataType: ($.browser.msie) ? text : xml, processData: false, complete: function(data) { var xml;

[jQuery] Simple AJAX Question

2008-10-19 Thread OscarGodson
I have searched the web over and over and I can't figure out how to do this. I know jQuery very, very well, but I just haven't used AJAX before. All I want to do is simply When someone clicks a li I want to get its text() Use that text as var name = $(this).text(); Use name as the row (var

[jQuery] simple ajax question

2008-01-15 Thread Ilkinho
I have a small ajax issue here: function someFunc(){ var someVar = true; $.ajax({ type: GET, url: requestURL, success: function(msg){ } }); } I have 2 problems: 1. I want someFunc to return a value according to