I am creating a profile update page using jQuery.  The content of the
profile is loaded dynamically into a div tag on the page.

$(document).ready(function() {

// Your code goes here


So this loads the profile into the nofifications div tag.  This will
load a series of div tags which look similar to this:

<div class="profileLine"><div class="profileTitle"><a href="#"
id="a_ep1">Name</a><div class="editProfile" id="ep1">Edit Profile</
div></div><div class="profileText">Graham&nbsp;Cole</div></div>

All the <A> tags are dynamically named a_ep1 through a_ep6 and all the
<DIV> tags are dynamically named ep1 through ep6.  So I would like to
have this set up so that when I rollover the <A> tag the <DIV> tag
shows and when I rollout it hides.  I had this running using several
lines of code and an event handler on each <A> tag but apparently it
is much easier in jQuery.  For some reason though the code I am using
does not appear to work:

      function () {
      function () {
        return false;

does anybody have any suggestions on what I might be missing.  My
initial thoughts are because the <A> and <DIV> tags do not exist in
the source code but are loaded dynamically that jQuery cannot find
them, but I am only guessing.

Any help greatly appreciated?

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