I just moved over to jQuery yesterday and I'm trying to port my
Mootools slide code.  The Mootools slide was very smooth but I like
jQuery's syntax and philosophy better.

I was comparing Interface.SlideToggleUp (http://interface.eyecon.ro/
docs/fx) and jQuery.slideToggle (http://docs.jquery.com/Effects/
slideToggle).  I liked the effect of Interface better because the
element being toggled actually moves up under the element above (like
Mootools), as opposed to merely being eclipsed by the element below.

However, I noticed some bad behavior from both Interface and JQ in
both IE 6/7 and FF and I'm wondering if it's operator headspace or if
one or both of the libraries are buggy.  There are several issues and
they are illustrated with these two pages, dealing with two versions
of jQuery and the current version of Interface Elements.



1. JQ 1.2.2 & Interface.SlideToggleUp:

After the SlideToggleUp event, Firebug started logging a string of
errors and the script crashed in both FF and IE:
  this.options.curAnim has no properties
  Line 3217

2. JQ 1.1.2. & Interface.SlideToggleUp:

No errors.  But in FF there is a flicker or a jump when the event
fires.  In both FF and IE there is some funkiness with the element
width and/or height.  I saw a post somewhere that suggested setting
the height to 'auto' in the callback function but that didn't work.

3. JQ 1.2.2 / 1.1.2 & JQ.slideToggle:

Smooth sailing in FF, (except for the effect itself (the eclipse of
the element)).  However, very jumpy in IE, with the text popping up to
the top of the div before being eclipsed.


I also attempted to use the jQuery.easing plugin.  On its website
(http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/) instructions stated that
the default JQ easing method could be set thusly: jQuery.easing.def =

However, when I ran the script the only permutation that sort of
seemed to work was JQ 1.2.2 and Interface.SlideToggleUp, which as
noted earlier always crashed.

I don't know how many of these problems are my inexperience with JQ
and/or Interface, or one or the other not being quite ready for prime
time (I don't mean that offensively).  Any assistance would be very
much appreciated.  I do like JQ's style much better than Prototype or
Mootools but it seems that compatibility issues still exist across
browsers and plugins.


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