im loading simple table into my DOM tree, i have about 900 rows and 7
cols, it shouldnt be that bad. now i used liveguery to bind events to
6 objects for each row. I understand that livequery is going through
the whole 900x6 elements and binds events but then it should be all

I dont understand why clicking on some element is taking so long, at
least 5 second, I have no idea if it is the problem with livequery or
with jQ or JS is just that slow. I am not really happy with making
tests how jQ would act if table wasnt loaded with load(). if you have
any experience I would be glad to hear something about that.

do you know how can I redesign my code to work faster! I dont need to
mention that with 20 rows everything was fine:D hehe but for Christ's
sake 900 it is nothing!!

the code is usually something like that:
$('tr.shortinfo td.access').livequery(function(){
                $(this).css('background-color', '#e6eeee');
                $(this).css('background-color', '#fff');
    }).livequery('click', function(event) {

and this is using 100% of CPU for 20sec

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