Hi Everyone,

I wonder if I could get some help.

I am trying to build a sort of search tool where a user can click a state,
then region (maybe a sub region) then suburb to help define a location for
where they want to search. This will be used in conjunction with the search
location text box. i.e. they can click the map or start typing where they
want, and the text and map will be in synch.

I have a demo here: http://www.sixfive.co.uk/mapdemo.cfm

The flow is like this: user clicks state on map, submit where they clicked
to ajax. get new map image, location text and image map back. wash, and
repeat. The database will continue to give back the next map and image from
state, through regions until there are no more.

The problem is that when I redraw the image map, the clicks dont work
anymore (i.e. the jquery $(".mapOpt").click(function(){ ) and also the new
imagemap insertion didnt work with $("#imgmap").html(r.IMAGEMAP); I had to
use the old way

var oldskool = document.getElementById('imgmap');
oldskool.innerHTML = r.IMAGEMAP;

Any help on how to get the click function to work would be much appreciated.

Duncan I Loxton

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