Hi, everyone, I have this code to show a list of product

            qrRemision = New Query("vwlstRemisiones") //
vwlstRemisiones is a view
            qrRemision.OrderBy = OrderBy.Asc("Fecha")
            dtsCatalogo = New DataSet
            dtsCatalogo = qrRemision.ExecuteDataSet()

When  an element changed again and I want to show  in the list not
reflected the change, I get the old value (the same value before the
change), any suggestions.
Thanks You.

Hola a todos, tengo el siguiente codigo para mostrar una lista de
-- CODE --
Cuanto hago un cambio en un elemento, la lista no la refleja, me
muestra el valor anterior, antes del cambio, alguna sugerencia.
Don Quijote de Nicaragua.
Elder Soto

            With Page.Request
                imRecord =
                ipNumber =
            End With
            qrRemision = New Query("vwlstRemisiones")
            qrRemision.OrderBy = OrderBy.Asc("Fecha")
            dtsCatalogo = New DataSet
            dtsCatalogo = qrRemision.ExecuteDataSet()
            ipCount = fGetPageNumber(dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count,
            If (ipNumber = 0) Then ipNumber = 1

            Select Case imRecord
                Case 1
                    If (ipNumber > 1) Then ipNumber -= 1
                Case 2
                    If (ipNumber < ipCount) Then ipNumber += 1
            End Select
            iLastRow = ipNumber * ipSize
            iFirstRow = iLastRow - ipSize
            If (iLastRow > dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count) Then
                iLastRow = dtsCatalogo.Tables(0).Rows.Count
                iFirstRow = (ipNumber - 1) * ipSize
            End If
            If (ipCount <= 1) Then
                sDisabled(0) = " disabled='disabled'"
                sDisabled(1) = " disabled='disabled'"
                If (ipNumber = 1) Then
                    sDisabled(0) = " disabled='disabled'"
                ElseIf (ipNumber = ipCount) Then
                    sDisabled(1) = " disabled='disabled'"
                End If
            End If

            sHtml = "<table id='tbHead' class='sTableHead'
cellspacing='1'>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<table style='width:430px'>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<input type='button' id='btnNew' name='btnNew'
class='btnButton' "
            sHtml &= "value='" & strNameButton & "' onclick='" +
strAccionCat + "'/>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<td valign='middle'>Buscar:</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<input type='text' id='txtFind' name='txtFind'
value=''/>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<input type='button' id='btnFind' name='btnFind'
            sHtml &= "' value='Buscar' onclick= 'GuardarCatalogos(4);'/
>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</table>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<td align='right'>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<table style='width:250px'>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "<td>P&aacute;gina:</td>", "<td></
td>") & NL
            sHtml &= "<td style='width:20px'>" & NL
            'Boton Previo
            sHtml &= "<input type='button' id='btnPrev' name='btnPrev'
            sHtml &= "' value='<' onclick='sLoadLstCatalogos(1," &
ipNumber & ",1," + Request.Params("iAction") + "," +
Request.Params("Actividad") + ");'"
            sHtml &= sDisabled(0).ToString() & "/>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "<td align='center'>" & ipNumber &
"</td>", "<td></td>")
            sHtml &= NL & "<td style='width:20px'>" & NL
            'Boton Siguiente
            sHtml &= "<input type='button' id='btnNext' name='btnNext'
            sHtml &= "' value='>' onclick='sLoadLstCatalogos(2," &
ipNumber & ",1," + Request.Params("iAction") + "," +
Request.Params("Actividad") + ");'"
            sHtml &= sDisabled(1).ToString() & "/>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= IIf(ipCount, "<td align='left'>de " & ipCount &
"</td>", "<td></td>")
            sHtml &= NL & "</tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</table>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</td>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "</table>" & NL
            'Encabezado de los catalogos
            sHtml &= "<table id='tbClientes' class='sTableList'
cellspacing='1'>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<tr>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>CodRemision</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>Fecha</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>No Remision</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>No Orden</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>Cliente</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList'>Transporte</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList' stytile='width:
2px;'>Modificar</th>" & NL
            sHtml &= "<th class='sThList' stylile='width:2px'>Borrar</
th></tr>" & NL
            '-------Listado de Remision -------'
            With dtsCatalogo.Tables(0)
                For r = iFirstRow To iLastRow - 1
                    id = .Rows(r)(0)
                    sHtml &= "<tr>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<td class='sTdList'>" & .Rows(r)(1) & "</
td>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<td align='center' class='sTdList'
style='width:5%'>" & NL
                    'ModCatalogos(Accion, Operacion, Modificar,
CodCatalogo, Descripcion)
                    sHtml &= "<a id='aEdit" & id & "' href='#'
onclick='ModCatalogos(2 ," & intActividad & " , 0, " & id & ","""
& .Rows(r)(1) & """);'>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<img src='Images/user_edit.png' alt="
+ .Rows(r)(1) + "" & NL
                    sHtml &= "style='border:0'/></a></td>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<td align='center' class='sTdList'
style='width:5%'>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<a id='aDel" & id & "' href='#'
onclick='Delete(" & id & ")'>" & NL
                    sHtml &= "<img src='Images/user_delete.png'
alt='Borrar Registro' style="
                    sHtml &= "'border:0'/></a></td>" & NL & "</tr>" &
            End With
            sHtml &= "</table>"
        Catch ex As Exception
            sHtml = ex.Message.ToString()
        End Try

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