Dear all,

I'm trying to use the jquery validation plug in to verify that two
fields (email addresses) are the same. If read through the tutorials
etc but it does not work. I wondering whether I am using it in the
right way. I want to validate each field individually so I use onblur
to execute the validation.

This is my first field and this validation works.

<dd id="ext_email-element">
<input id="ext_email" class="required email valid" type="text"
onblur="$(forms[0]).validate().element( "#ext_email" );" value=""
<label class="error" for="ext_email" generated="true">Please enter a
valid email address.</label>

This is my second field. I want this field to be identical to
ext_email. The following validation does not work.

<dd id="check_ext_email-element">
<input id="check_ext_email" class=" {equalTo:"#ext_email"} valid"
type="text" onblur="$(forms[0]).validate().element
( "#check_ext_email" );" value="" name="check_ext_email"/>

Firebug says that the onblur statement is true.
Am I using the plug in in the correcty way? Can someone point me in
the right direction?


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