Languages constantly evolve; new languages appear based on previous levels of abstraction. As engineers we /control complexity/ - that's the main purpose of programming. Solving a task we should have the ability (techniques) to solve it in the /easy manner/. Until our current languages are strong enough to beat the current level of complexity. When we face with more complex language, we invent a new language. And we should do this constantly. I.e. constantly envent new languages depending on new needs and new complex task -- to solve these "issues" easily.

So JavaScript may easily become the "next C". Or, it will just evolve to new abstraction level (i.e. bringing new ideological abstractions and very convenient syntax). And actually that exactly it does -- evolves. TC-39 committee does a huge and great job by discussing new features. ES6 aka Harmony will have some new convenient and useful stuff.

Unfortunately, because of backward compatibility, JS cannot evolve too radically. It cannot just change the skin to e.g. CoffeeScript. The only way of the radical changes in already existing language -- is to event the new language. And that exactly what CoffeeScript is (author, Jeremy Ashkenas did a great job).

Recently I brought a very valuable (in my opinion) quote from SICP on the topic: "Why do we need new languages?"


On 04.02.2011 18:37, Acaz Souza Pereira wrote:

      JavaScript is the next C


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