You could use remote scripting.
There are varoius ways of doing this. one is with an applet, and another can be with a
hidden frame.
OnClick of the dropdown it will bring the latest information.
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De: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference
I've already tried these.
The problem is that Tomcat isn't compiling the Jsp again.
In ASP I edit the .asp file and when I reload my webbrowser I see the
changes inmediatly. With JSPs running on tomcat I can't do this. I have to
delete the contents of the work folder every time and it's very anoy
I am using tomcat 4.0.1 and having some problems working with JSPs.
Every time I edit a JSP it shows me the first version. (It's getting cached)
After a while it compiles again and shows me the new version. I've been
reading a bit and seen that a lot of people are having the same problem. I
I wanted to know if there's anyway that I can display the errors on the web
browser instead of the cmd console.
Daniel Tome
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