
The compiler is correct s2 = s1.getBytes; must be written as such:
                s2 = s1.getBytes();

If is a method call not a property.  I can see why this would happen coming
from the COM world.
Nick DiFranco
EC Cubed, Inc.
1 Research Drive, Westboro MA 01581
Phone: (508) 616-7078

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 11:06 AM
Subject: Casting strings returned by input elements...

I'm working with some COM objects that only accept bytes.  However, the data
I'm trying to send is in string form (sent by form input elements).  In ASP
this was not a problem since VBScript auto-casts everything.  Java's a bit
pickier and my knowledge of Java is shaky at best.  I've tried:

        <%       string s1, s2;
                   s2 = s1.getBytes;

This returns the error:  "Attempt to reference method getBytes in class
java.lang.string as an instance variable."

There's gotta be an easier way to do this :)

Jeffrey W. Brown
Test Engineer
Citr!x Systems, Inc.
PHONE: (954) 267-2846
EMAIL: jeff.brown @
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