
i worked on this problem yesterday. may be i can help u.  this is what i
observed and changed.

if u'v a look at the "startserver.bat" file it goes something like this:
set jsdkJars=.\webserver.jar;.\lib\jakarta.jar;.\lib\servlet.jar
set jspJars=.\lib\jsp.jar;.\lib\jspengine.jar
set miscJars=.\lib\xml.jar;.\lib\moo.jar
set appJars=%jsdkJars%;%jspJars%;%beanJars%;%miscJars%
set sysJars=JAVA_HOME\lib\tools.jar

set appClassPath=.\classes;%appJars%
set cp=%CLASSPATH%

set CLASSPATH=%appClassPath%;%sysJars%

hence just replace "JAVA_HOME" in the code above(in the set sysJars) to
"C:\jdk1.3"..this must solve the problem.
and one more thing...if u still receive any errors...just look at the first
dos window that has text of 4-5lines (titled: Finished startserver) and try
to compare it with the code in the startserver.bat...

if u get the results or if u don't....do reply. hope it helps

B.Eng (E.C)
Ahmedabad, Gujarat

-----Original Message-----
From: Ansar Blakqori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 27, 2000 4:44 PM
Subject: urgent-install jsp problems

>Hi there
>I have this problem
>I have installed the following :
>My java is on C:\jdk1.3\bin
>My java ent is on C:\j2ee\bin
>My java jsp is on C:\JSWDK-1.0.1\
>According to instructions I have added the following in
>mode con codepage prepare=((850) c:\windows\COMMAND\ega.cpi)
>mode con codepage select=850
>keyb uk,,c:\windows\COMMAND\keyboard.sys
>set CLASSPATH = C:\jdk1.3\lib\tools.jar
>set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.3\bin
>But when i go to C:\jswdk-1.0.1\ and execute the command: startserver.bat
>I receive this error:
>Quite often this warning is the result of not including the necessary
packages in the CLASSPATH enviroment which used to invoke
com.sun.web.shell.Startup. This can be corrected by adding the following
>For JDK 2.1.X on windows you add:
>I do not know what's wrong.
>Do I have to edit the startserver.bat and change anything
>Do I have to edit the autoexec.bat differently and how
>By the way my C:\JDK1.3\BIN is working just fine
>What do I have to do to get the jsp server up and running
>Is there any useful book on learning jsp
>How can i view http://localhost:8080/
>It is not working and how can view the index page and the result of jsp
>Please help because i want to get jsp running quickly
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