HP Bluestone, is pleased to announce early support for the Struts
initiative.  Struts is an open source initiative - sponsored by the Apache
Software Foundation - focused on creating an application framework for
developing Web applications.  Struts complements the J2EE architecture by
providing a framework for a clean separation of data, presentation, and
application logic.  The Struts framework also provides standard Web
application functionality such as internationalization, request dispatching,
automatic form population, and tag libraries for accelerating GUI
HP Bluestone's Total-e-Server 7.3, due to be released later this month,
offers support for Struts as well as a Struts Trail Map tutorial, which
guides developers through the Struts application development framework.  For
more information on Struts, please visit the following links:
        Struts Downloadable Trail Map

        Struts white paper on HP Bluestone website


        Struts project home page

        HP Bluestone home page

HP Bluestone is dedicated to the development and support of market leading,
standards-based tools and frameworks, so that our products continue to
enable developers to decrease their learning curve and time to solution,
which translates directly into reduced costs and increased revenue for our

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