JOT Servlets version 1.0 has been released by JOT Object Technologies.

The all new JOT website has more information:

JOT Servlets is a Java Servlet framework for rapid application
development using standard web pages and Java Beans for dynamic content.
Web designers and Java programmers can immediately use the JOT Servlets
object oriented framework with the skills they already have.

The JOT Servlets application framework provides:

- A lightweight object-oriented servlet API
- Direct web page access to Java Bean values
- Easy to use web page scripting language with JOT Templates
- Dynamic page composition and content merging
- Software tools for servlet programs
- Complete demonstration servlet applications
- Table/list output from collections, including JDBC ResultSets

Version 1.0 has emerged after extensively tested preview releases. The
JOT Servlets API and documentation are now "enterprise ready".

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