JOT Object Technologies announces preview release 0.94 of JOT Servlets.
JOT Servlets is a framework for servlet development featuring a
lightweight API, easy to use template language, software tools, and
demonstration servlets.
NEW IN THIS VERSION: API changes to simplify applications and provide
robust lifecycle management for JOT Servlet Beans. Revisions to the
Programmers Guide to clarify the JOT Servlets Model-View-Controller
(Model 2) design foundation. Revisions to the JOT Templates
documentation, including more examples.
Versions 0.92 and 0.93 included improvements to the demonstration
servlet runner programs (jotserver for JSDK 2.1 and jotrunner for JSDK
2.0) for Windows and Unix platforms.
-- Paul Copeland, JOT Object Technologies
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