Dear Kevin,

We are very happy to see that you like our product. However I am a
little concerned with one of your claims.

You claim that a company will not dare to invest in a small company’s
platform because it exposes them to a risk they do not want to take.
This is a correct observation.

However, I fail to see how the argument you are putting forward has
anything to do with the Orion Application Server.

The main point here is that Orion does not specify its own proprietary
platform but provides an implementation of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition

specification. This means that we do not tell you to develop your
application for Orion but for the J2EE platform and then deploy it in
the application server that you feel is most scalable, most stable,
cheapest or whatever factors are important to you. There is no
investment in a proprietary platform whatsoever.

I really hope that when you are deploying a J2SE application (a normal
Java application) you do not develop your application for a specific
J2SE implementation. If you develop an application for J2SE you can
choose to deploy it on any J2SE implementation, for example the Sun JVM,

the IBM one or any other compliant JVM. When you start your project you
are not likely to see it as a big risk that you develop using one or
another JVM even if it is developed by a smaller vendor. The same should

be true with a J2EE project. Develop your application according to the
specs and the choice of deployment platform can be changed whenever you
like. You can develop using one server, deploy using another one and in
the future you will hopefully even be able to deploy on a cluster of
servers running different J2EE implementations.

This is in fact the main reason for J2EE to exist at all. By sticking to

J2EE you gain the following advantages

* No investment in a proprietary platform (no investment in one company)

* Best-of-breed implementation. You can select the implementation that
suits your needs best.

* Price competition between different vendors ensures good pricing.

* The broad knowledge base that comes with an established standard makes

it easier to find good developers, good education and everything that
comes with it.

I would say that these factors should eliminate your fears about relying

on a small company simply because you are not relying on them when you
select their application server.

Now you might say that application servers will still not be compatible.

You might argue that an open specification with different
implementations inevitably leads to bad compatibility problems. This has

been the case with several earlier specifications. To avoid this several

measures have been taken:

* A Compatibility Test Suite (CTS). All J2EE compliant application
servers have to pass a number of tests to guarantee that they work as
the specification mandates.

* A Reference implementation, the J2EE RI, is available to vendors that
are in the process of building J2EE compliant application servers (and
to everyone else as well). This allows them to make sure that their
application server is truly compatible.

* Binary compatibility for applications. Binary formats like .war and
.ear files that can be moved between application servers ensure that not

even recompilation has to be done when moving an application from one
server to another.

Finally, I would like to point out that there is no reason why we, as a
smaller company, would not keep improving our server for as long as the
larger companies. Unlike a large company with lots of other products, we

are very focused on the application server and for that reason there is
no chance we will stop developing and supporting it. A big company could

decide to cancel the product at any time for a wide variety of reasons.

Also, we might be a small company but what I think is more important for

a company who plans to survive is the profit and the financial
situation. Unlike other companies who expand their sales force in
express speed we focus our resources on development. Our costs are very
low and sales would have to go very poorly for us to make us show
anything but a healthy profit, and I can’t see that changing anytime
soon. And as long as we are operating with a profit (unlike most of our
competitors), why would we stop?

My conclusion is that the important thing when deciding on your
development or deployment server is the actual application server
product. The size of the company that is developing the server is rather

irrelevant. However, the companies that are small today might very well
be the ones that are large tomorrow if they can master the market and
provide the best solutions.

Karl Avedal
The Orion team

Duffey, Kevin wrote:

> (...) See, I argue the Oroin Application
> Server is FAR better than any other application server. Its only $1500
> server, its 100% JAVA, its extremely simple to setup, it supports ALL
> latest specs (already servlete 2.3 and JSP 1.2 is being incorporated
> it..well, when the PR1 is released), and it has proven to be a far
> performer than most other app servers. However, the downside is, it is

> being written by a 2-man team! Pretty darn amazing to me..but still,
> because of this..its unlikely medium to large businesses are willing
> risk their company on such a product.

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