I've run into a serious problem with our website and the way we construct
our dynamic URL's.  We're using JSP on a home-grown, Struts-like

Due to the dynamic construction of all of our pages (we have a handful of
templates, but all the content is dynamic/DB-driven), and thus the
structure of our URL's, we can't find an ad management system to fit our
needs--All the systems out there can only be used for static sites, and
those with a little bit of dynamic capability are IMO, inadequate.

So, I have two alternatives.

1.  Write my own Ad Management System or
2.  Find a way to take my URL's like:


and map them to something static like:


Has anyone attempted to do something like this with a JSP site?  I've
heard of this being done with a Perl driven site, using mod-Perl, but
haven't found anything similar for Java/JSP.

Has anyone either found a solution to serving ads on a site like this OR
figured out a way to convert a dynamic URL to a static one?

Any help would be appreciated.

        Thanks in Advance,

Aurangzeb M. Agha    | Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP ID: 0x68B3A763   |

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