We've been implementing solutions that enable us to have multiple instances
of our web applications on the same browser (different browser windows of
course), and when we use the model 2 approach, we can accomplish this by
ensuring each servlet call is provided with an instance id so we can access
the appropriate application instance objects.  Obviously this requires that
we make sure that the instance id is correctly provided to the client pages
so that each call can send it back (note: cookies here would differentiate
unique application instances running in the same browser).

However, when we call JSP files directly we're faced with the problem that
we cannot alter the USEBEAN references at request time.  Yet it would seem
that this would be quite a useful thing to be able to do.  So instead we
have had to write things a little differently so that instead of storing
separate unique application instance object with the session object, we have
one application object (and I'm using "application" in the sense of web
application, not servlet), that in turn houses one or more unique
application instance objects.

Can anyone suggest a way that we could instead write things so that we
wouldn't have to do this?


Daniel Kirkdorffer
Sr. Consultant, Syllogistics LLC
Web:   http://www.syllogistics.com/

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