I'm a servlet newbie and am trying out JRun on IIS.  I got a simple JSP with inline Java running, but I haven't been able to get a servlet to run.  I took a simple example from a servlet book(Java Servlets by Karl Moss), copied the servlet into my www.blah.com/servlet directory.  I copied the book's html file to my index.html file and tried that.  I figured that was too easy and straightforward to actually work.  I was right.  I got the "HTTP 405 error 405 method not allowed" error.  At first I thought something was wrong with the servlet, but I deleted the servlet and got the same msg, so I knew it just couldn't find the servlet.  I've tried moving the servlet all over the place with the same result.  I have the servlets dir set to "servlets, ../../../servlets" (which is the deafult).  Anyway, I guess somehow I don't have JRun set up so it can find the servlet.  What do I have to do?  & Where do most people put their servlets?
I'm not hugely thrilled with JRun's docs and that you have to pay for tech support from Allaire.  Is ServletExec any better?
Thanks for any help.

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