
I just joined this JSP list today.  Nice to be on board.  ;-)

I have a question about leveraging our existing servlets while introducing JSP 
technology into our product.  We have an application that contains a servlet which 
handles client browser requests and communicates with several EJBs deployed in our 
application server (Weblogic).  For the pages, we designed our own tagging syntax (1-2 
yrs ago) and want to convert this customized stuff to JSP.

The normal behavior of our user requests/page submissions is as follows:

(1) User submits a page request to the web server which, in turn, sends the request to 
the servlet.  The request contains some information submitted from the current web page
(2) The Servlet utilizes this information and contacts the proper back-end EJBs as 
(3) The Servlet retrieves a result data set (and the resulting page id for the user) 
from the app server and merges the dynamic data into the resulting HTML page template.
(4) User receives the new result page with populated data.

Pretty straightforward stuff, I imagine, based on the web app examples I've seen.

Anyway, I would like to keep the application flow similar to what is explained above, 
except that I wish to replace our current proprietary tagging syntax with JSP to 
conform to current Java standards and also to provide more flexibility within the 
pages themselves.

What I would like to do is continue to contact the main servlet described above, but 
when the resulting data set comes back from the server, instead of using that data to 
replace custom tags, I would like to put this data into an object (JavaBean?) and pass 
it off to the appropriate JSP page.

Do examples exist that show me how to do this?  It seems like all the examples I see 
are not of this variety of behavior, although I've read about this form of servlet-JSP 
use in the white papers.

JavaSoft's words exactly for this are as follows:

...the Web-based client may make a request directly to a Java Servlet, which actually 
generates the dynamic content, wraps the results into a result bean and invokes the 
JSP page. The JSP page accesses the dynamic content from the bean and sends the 
results (as HTML) to the browser.



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