Hi all,

Please let me know any one have solution for  this problem..

My problem is:

1) I want to take data from a table.. by use jsp...
   It's ok.. there is     no problem..

2) after that I want to display this information in Autometic virtical
scrolling  ticker applet .. with 4 rows at a time upto end of data.

So my question is How can I implement Autoscrolling in java Applet.. Is
there any API available??

Can I use JTable to disply the data in applet.. If it is ok, Who to scroll
the JTable autometically like scrolling ticker..

Please let me know any one have solution or sample code, I will appricate u.

3) After end of data.. I have to goback to table and look for the new data..
and I have to display same in scrolling ticker..

>From Applets.. How can I referesh..it..
I want get the data from tables... and I want to display in scrolling

Please help in this solution..

I found some of scrolling text tickers.. but I am unable to find any help
for similar problem..

Please give me some guidelines.. then I will thankfull to u..

Please reply to this mail asap.

Thanks & Regards,
Malla Reddy Choodi

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