I know this question may should not be posted in this group. but since no
one answer the question in allaire group, I have to get help from here...

I tried the apache/jrun3.0 to implement a sample ejb.
by following jrun doc, I created the jar file containing
Demo.class, DemoHome.class, DemoBean.class, manifest, Demo.properties,
default.properties. and created the deploy.properties in the deploy
directory. then I copied the demo_ejb.jar to the deploy directory also.
after that, I deploied using the JMC, it gave me deploy sucessfull msg, I
also see the generated stub/skelenton jar files in the deploy folder. but, I
did not see the bean creaed in the container from the JMC window.

did I do something wrong? I been stucked here for a week now. do need
someone to help me out.

help pls.

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