Hi, Irecently upgraded my java-version from jdk1.1 to jdk1.2. The reason
I did this was because I wanted a newer version of the javadoc-function.
The problem I now have is that a class that uses awt doesn't work
anymore. It complains about some fonts not defined and so on and so

This is the error-message I get after I type: java graphical

Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-times new
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-times new
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-times new
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-times new
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found [-monotype-courier
Font specified in font.properties not found
Font specified in font.properties not found

This is how the class looks like:

import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

 * A class that draws a window with four buttons and a curtain-menu.
 * The class gives the ability to set a specific telephone to
 * Ready, Busy or Off. Uses SetOfLights.class to depict three
 * lights which indicate the status of the selected phone.
 * @author Johan Johansson & Andreas Hagglund
 * @version 1.0
public class graphical extends Frame {

  Choice c = new Choice();
  sock_connect msg;
  String answer = new String();
  private Canvas area;
  private int lightsPosition = 105;

   * Creates the window within which everything will be drawn.
   * @param args Is the arguments of the main
  public static void main(String [] args) {

    Frame f = new graphical();


   * Constructor which creates the title, buttons and the curtain-menu
   * for the window.
  public graphical()
      setTitle("Ready Or Not");

      area = new Canvas();
      add("Center", area);

      Panel buttons = new Panel();
      buttons.add(new Button("SET TO READY"));
      buttons.add(new Button("SET TO BUSY"));
      buttons.add(new Button("SET TO OFF"));
      buttons.add(new Button("CLOSE"));
      add ("South", buttons);

      Panel title = new Panel();
      c.addItem ("Chose number");
      c.addItem ("760706");
      c.addItem ("0706548069");
      c.addItem ("0706540784");
      title.add (c);
      title.add(new Label("Chose which phone to manipulate"));
      add ("North", title);

   * If the window is destroyed this event is handled. If this method
   * didn't exist it would be impossible to use other than the "close"-
   * button to shut the program down.
   * @param evt An instansiation of the Event-class
   * @return boolean
  public boolean handleEvent(Event evt)
      if (evt.id == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) System.exit(0);
      return super.handleEvent(evt);

   * This method gets the events that are invoked when the buttons are
   * or the curtain-menu has it's value altered.
   * If the "CLOSE"-button is pressed, the program is terminated.
   * When the curtain-menu is changed the program calls MnSetOnOffBusy
   * see what the selected number is set to.
   * If the "SET TO READY"-button is pressed, the program calls
   * and sets the selected number to READY.
   * If the "SET TO BUSY"-button is pressed, the program calls
   * and sets the selected number to BUSY.
   * If the "SET TO OFF"-button is pressed, the program calls
   * and sets the selected number to OFF.
   * @param evt This is the event.
   * @param arg This identifies which button was pressed or if the
   * was manipulated.
   * @return Boolean false
  public boolean action(Event evt, Object arg)
      boolean reply = true;
      if (arg.equals("CLOSE"))
      else if (!c.getSelectedItem().equals("Chose number"))
   String which = c.getSelectedItem();
   if (arg.equals("SET TO OFF"))
       msg = new sock_connect("sun1",8080,"graphic");
       answer = msg.send("GET
   else if (arg.equals("SET TO READY"))
       msg = new sock_connect("sun1",8080,"graphic");
       answer = msg.send("GET
   else if (arg.equals("SET TO BUSY"))
       msg = new sock_connect("sun1",8080,"graphic");
       answer = msg.send("GET
   msg = new sock_connect("sun1",8080,"graphic");
   answer = msg.send("GET

   String answer2 = answer.substring(0,(answer.length()-1));
   int lightNumber = Integer.parseInt(answer2);
   SetOfLights lights = new SetOfLights(area, lightsPosition,
      return false;

Does anyone now what the **** is going on?

I would really appriciate an answer.

Sincerely Johan Johansson

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