Dear Juju-dev list,

I am currently testing the different between Juju 2.0.0 and Juju 2.0.1 examplen 
an OpenStack provider which is based on Huawei FusionSphere.
Juju 2.0.0 was able to get to the status of “Waiting for address” because we 
are using nova API calls instead of neutron API calls - this is known.
But Juju 2.0.1 is now not able to come to that state while bootstrapping.

The actual bootstrap output is:
JUJU_STARTUP_LOGGING_CONFIG=TRACE juju bootstrap example --debug --verbose  
--metadata-source /home/ubuntu/simplestreams --config bootstrap-timeout=300 
--config use-floating-ip=false
11:57:00 TRACE juju.apiserver.common registry.go:47 Registered facade 
"CharmRevisionUpdater" v2
11:57:00 TRACE juju.apiserver.common registry.go:47 Registered facade "Backups" 
11:57:00 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:62 new model image datasource 
registered: cloud sigma image source
11:57:00 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:62 new model image datasource 
registered: keystone catalog
11:57:00 TRACE cmd aliasfile.go:23 unable to read alias file 
"/home/ubuntu/.local/share/juju/aliases": open 
/home/ubuntu/.local/share/juju/aliases: no such file or directory
11:57:00 INFO  juju.cmd supercommand.go:63 running juju [2.0.1 gc go1.6.2]
11:57:00 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:64   args: []string{"juju", 
"bootstrap", "example", "--debug", "--verbose", "--metadata-source", 
"/home/ubuntu/simplestreams", "--config", "bootstrap-timeout=300", "--config", 
11:57:00 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:834 provider attrs: 
map[network: use-floating-ip:false use-default-secgroup:false]
11:57:00 INFO  cmd cmd.go:141 Adding contents of 
"/home/ubuntu/.local/share/juju/ssh/" to authorized-keys
11:57:00 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:890 preparing controller 
with config: map[apt-mirror: name:controller test-mode:false apt-https-proxy: 
type:openstack logging-config: enable-os-refresh-update:true 
provisioner-harvest-mode:destroyed agent-metadata-url: 
use-default-secgroup:false apt-http-proxy: agent-stream:released 
firewall-mode:instance image-stream:released use-floating-ip:false 
disable-network-management:false default-series:xenial development:false 
https-proxy: ssl-hostname-verification:true resource-tags: network: 
proxy-ssh:false transmit-vendor-metrics:true automatically-retry-hooks:true 
uuid:691a5ca9-76b7-4503-8158-6dc341fdb32f ignore-machine-addresses:false 
apt-ftp-proxy: enable-os-upgrade:true http-proxy: no-proxy: 
logforward-enabled:false ftp-proxy: image-metadata-url: authorized-keys:ssh-rsa 
11:57:00 INFO  juju.provider.openstack provider.go:76 opening model "controller"
11:57:00 INFO  cmd cmd.go:129 Creating Juju controller "example-eu-de" on 
11:57:00 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:20 destroying model "controller"
11:57:00 INFO  juju.provider.common destroy.go:31 destroying instances
11:57:00 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1021 error cleaning up: 
destroying controller model: destroying instances: failed to get list of server 
caused by: Resource at not found
caused by: request ( returned unexpected status: 
404; error info: {"message":"Api does not 
11:57:00 ERROR cmd supercommand.go:458 failed to get list of flavour details
caused by: Resource at not found
caused by: request ( returned unexpected status: 
404; error info: {"message":"Api does not 
11:57:00 DEBUG cmd supercommand.go:459 (error details: 
[{ } {failed to get 
list of flavour details
caused by: Resource at not found
caused by: request ( returned unexpected status: 
404; error info: {"message":"Api does not 

Could this occur due to the new version of goose according to:
Merge pull request #6501 <> from 

provider/openstack: update goose

Use new version of goose, to omit the device
field on volume attachment requests when no
device is specified.

This branch also uses the new OpenStack API
version discovery code in goose.


Any advice or help here how to debug it and provide better quality for a bug 
report is appreciate.

Best regards,
Malte Menkhoff

> On 31 Oct 2016, at 23:33, Nicholas Skaggs <> 
> wrote:
> Our first update to Juju 2 is here! This Juju 2.0.1 release brings some 
> improvements including;
>    * Support for the new AWS region us-east-2
>    * Correct OSX Sierra support
>    * Update list-models output to show cloud/region vs owner
>    * Update model-migrations with support for endpoints, cloud credentials
> ## New to juju 2?
> ## Ready to install it?
> If you are running Ubuntu, you can get it from the juju stable ppa:
>    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable
>    sudo apt update; sudo apt install juju-2.0
> Or install it from the snap store
>    snap install juju --beta --devmode
> Windows, Centos, and MacOS users can get a corresponding installer at:
> ## What else is in it?
> Notable bug fixes include:
>    * #1623136, #1629452 Vsphere improvements
>    * #1614239 use-floating-ip is not honored from clouds.yaml config
>    * #1619808 bootstrap-timeout ignored in --config
>    * #1602840 juju show-machines should show all addresses a machine has
>    * #1616098 Juju 2.0 uses random IP for 'PUBLIC-ADDRESS' with MAAS 2.0
> For the full list of bugs addressed, checkout the milestone: 
> ## Feedback Appreciated!
> We encourage everyone to subscribe the mailing list at
> and join us on #juju on freenode. We would love to hear
> your feedback and usage of juju.
> -- 
> Juju-dev mailing list
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