Thank you all so very much for the help. Now, I can learn more Julia
without bothering everyone all the time :)
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 4:09:56 AM UTC+6, Nafiul Islam wrote:
> Hi (again)!
> Hopefully a (slightly) more intelligent question this time. I've been
> successfully able to run shel
The first one is easy to solve; function definitions aren't moved
implicitly like data is, if you use:
@everywhere foo(a) = sin(a)
To make the definition happen on all worker processes then it works.
As to the second issue I'm not sure what's wrong. Based on the description
of @parallel in the
I am trying to use Debug.jl and when running the example in, I get a no context available. This is
on the latest executable from PPA, v0.3.
By the way, in that example push does not seem to exist.
Thank you,
Yes, sorry about that. Using tuples for large polynomials is not a good idea
but it does allow the type system to reason about degrees. I'm not sure how
useful having the compiler reason about degrees really is though.
> On May 3, 2014, at 8:15 PM, andrew cooke wrote:
> see the discussion at
The function you’re looking for is now called names!
DataFrames is still in a state of flux, so you should expect the documentation
to lag behind.
— John
On May 3, 2014, at 11:24 AM, AK wrote:
> Hi,
> I am starting with Julia and I have to say that I am experiencing quite some
> problems
I am starting with Julia and I have to say that I am experiencing quite
some problems already with the basics. How for example can I change the
column names of a DataFrame?
The solution provided at!topic/julia-users/M8CUl-42x1Q :
df = DataFrame(x1=rand(5)
There also seems to be a scope issue as well. The following throws an error
that `a` is not defined. I guess it's because of the local scope but I would
hope this wouldn't be a problem for @parallel:
runparl = true
if runparl
a = rand(5)
x = @parallel (vcat) f
Maybe I spoke too soon. I don't understand why @parallel can see `a` but not
foo in the following (I hope this isn't another silly mistake on my part, else
I be banished)?
julia> a=1
julia> addprocs(3)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> x = @parallel (vcat) for k=1:3
No problem! Rubber ducking can be an effective debugging technique, even
over the internet :)
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 7:34:21 PM UTC-5, Ethan Anderes wrote:
> Now I feel really silly. I had a typo: args1 was erroneously written
> arg1...hence the error that the workers couldn't find arg1.
Now I feel really silly. I had a typo: args1 was erroneously written
arg1...hence the error that the workers couldn't find arg1.
Sorry for the noise and thanks for the help (debugging as it were)!
see the discussion at
(search for NTuple). it seems that NTuple currently is not a contiguous
block of memory, but a collection of pointers to its contents. it also
seems that this will change...
On Saturday, 3 May 2014 18:58:09 UTC-4, A
Hi Ethan,
Hmmm this is odd, in general you shouldn't need to explicitly send
variables you read in a parallel for loop to other processors. For example:
julia> addprocs(4)
4-element Array{Any,1}:
julia> args1 = 1
julia> @parallel (+) for i=1:10 args1 end
Can you provide a run
Strange behavior
I define Type Polynomial according to Stefan definition and
julia> a = tuple(rand(500,1)...); b = tuple(rand(500,1)...);
julia> @time P1=Polynomial(a);
elapsed time: 24.441438322 seconds (614490296 bytes allocated)
julia> @time P2=Polynomial(b);
elapsed time: 2.4303e-5 seconds
I've been using HTTPClient:
You can look in the tests for some examples:
One thing that I like about {} for initializing Array{Any,1}, is the
consistency with comprehension syntax. Namely, braces for Any, brackets for
specific types
julia> typeof({i=>2i for i = 1:10})
julia> typeof([i=>2i for i = 1:10])
julia> typeof({2i for i = 1:10
Ahh nevermind, I think I see — declaring the "stuff" field to be the
largest of the possible types and then reinterpreting the result as the
correct type seems to work. Thanks!
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 12:21:18 PM UTC-5, James Porter wrote:
> How would I convert manually? Right now I'm trying
Can you give an example of the struct/union (shortened, perhaps) and your
Julia version?
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 1:21 PM, James Porter wrote:
> How would I convert manually? Right now I'm trying to use a placeholder
> bitstype of the appropriate size and reinterpret it is the correct
> immutable
How would I convert manually? Right now I'm trying to use a placeholder
bitstype of the appropriate size and reinterpret it is the correct
immutable type, but I'm getting BoundsErrors in reinterpret and I'm not
sure if this is the right thing to be doing.
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 12:14:03 PM UT
The size of a union is the size of the largest element. There is no way to
access one memory range as different names/types like a C union, but you
could do the down-conversion from the max type manually as needed.
Also you might want to have a look at the StrPack package (not sure if it
I opened an issue on BinDeps a long time ago suggesting a less broken
`ext.jl` file for packages using BinDeps:
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Tony Kelman wrote:
> Good call Miles, that does make things easier to figure out for users.
> I was
Or use the builtin `download` command. it isn't very fancy, but should
get the job done.
I'm not sure what matlab means by PARAMS for an HTTP GET, since the
GET method doesn't take arguments. presumably though, it is rewriting
the url to `http://xx.xx.xx.xx:xx/?request=value' with quoting for
Good call Miles, that does make things easier to figure out for users.
I was able to reproduce the problem with Requests/GnuTLS on Windows XP
(look what you made me do), it turns out to be pretty obscure and not an
easy fix. Quoting
Small hint: the easiest way I found to clarify the distinction between
"max" and "maximum", and why it is necessary in the first place, is that
it's the same as that between "the + function" vs "sum", or "the *
function" vs "prod".
(Of course, not checking the region argument in maximum is just
Thanks Steven!
Rob J. Goedman
On May 3, 2014, at 8:05 AM, Steven G. Johnson wrote:
> run throws an exception if there was an error, so
> run(`ls`); run(`ls`)
> will only run the second command if the first succeeds. You could use a try
> ... catch ... end block
Relatedly, I think it's bad practice to simply put
include("../deps/deps.jl") in the module, because this gives
a meaningless error message to the user when the file doesn't exist. In
Gurobi.jl, for example, we have:
if isfile(joinpath(Pkg.dir("Gurobi"),"deps","deps.jl"))
Do those deps.jl files exist? What happens if you do"GnuTLS") or"Cairo") ?
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 3:16:30 AM UTC-7, joanenric barcelo wrote:
> I cannot use Requests package in Win XP. I get the following message:
> OpenBLAS : Your OS does not support AVX instructions.
run throws an exception if there was an error, so
run(`ls`); run(`ls`)
will only run the second command if the first succeeds. You could use a
try ... catch ... end block if you want to do something special if an error
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 10:18:33 AM UTC-4, Rob J Goedman wrot
If you're looking for more exploratory-type functions/tools, I have a list
of them here:
My blog post is missing the `whos` function, which is a more human-readable
way to see everything a Package/Module exports:
julia> using DataFrames
julia> whos(D
I have a very simple parallel problem but I'm having a hard time executing what
I want. I'm basically just filling up a large array with @parallel as follows:
biglist = @parallel (vcat) for k=1:procs
smalllist(args1, args2,...)
smalllist (defined
Is there a way to express:
run(`ls`) == Nothing && run(`ls`)
i.e., the first command could be make, the second executing the program if make
I looked through which is
really nice, but does not address this.
Thanks Tony for your help.
However, I need to use Win XP for working reasons and I cannot manage to
get it work. I have raised another post with this issue!topic/julia-users/wPNc8T8lxX8
thanks again!!
El miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014 17:57:50 UTC+1, Tony Kelma
I cannot use Requests package in Win XP. I get the following message:
OpenBLAS : Your OS does not support AVX instructions. OpenBLAS is using
kernels as a fallback, which may give poorer performance.
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