Hi Everyone,

I would be highly interested in working on one of the massively parallel
matrix algebra projects that you proposed for GSoC. I would therefore like 
to ask
if there is someone who would like to be a mentor for this project? 
Moreover, could you
maybe provide me with some references about which algorithms should exactly
be implemented?

Some background about me: My name is Simon Pfreundschuh and I am currently
studyin at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg Sweden. I am 
just about
to finish my second Master's degree in physics, already holding a Master's 
degree in
computational science and a Bachelor's degree in computer science. I am 
developing a library for remote sensing data processing, which is basically 
a big data problem.
This is also where my interest in the massively parallel matrix algorithms 
comes from.

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,


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