
I have a function that pushes some data onto other processes.  It does this 
by constructing a RemoteRef on each worker process and then using put!() to 
put the data onto each process.  These RemoteRef's are stored in an array. 
 The main function then calls some other functions on the worker processes 
(using the data in the RemoeRefs) and then returns the result, which was 
collected on the main process.  I can post the code if it would be helpful. 

What I have observed is, that over successive calls to this main function, 
the total amount of memory used by each one of the worker processes grows.  

Is there a way to avoid this?  I have tried using take!(), but it just 
increased the total memory allocated (measured using @time).  

Thank you very much for your help and I am sorry if this is a really easy 
question whose answer is in the User Manual (I've read it several times 
today, and I can't find anything).  

- Gregory Plumb

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