*Hello Julia Users !!..*

I have asked this question before in the forum but am still a bit unclear 
on how to do the below.. I have condensed a few of my doubts in the 
question below.

Being from a C background where strings are just character Arrays, 
manipulating individual characters using the array index was easy.. However 
In julia that definitely does not seem to be the recommended way to go 
about doing things and I have a lot of doubts about the small details on 
the language. Here's a small example of what I am trying to achieve with my 
program .. This is a fairly simple program while doing it in C but I have 
absolutely no idea how to implement the same in Julia as strings cannot be 
treated like character arrays and i cannot just  increment an index of the 
string to increase the ASCII value of the character in Julia. Please try to 
solve the problem or guide me on how to implement this in Julia.. I promise 
the question is very simple and isn't as complex as It may seem at a 

*My Aim*:

        To write a program a program which accepts a string via the input 
and encrypts it to the following simple algorithm ..


*Example Input String:     abcabc*

1. Increase the ASCII value of the character at the *ODD index* of the 
string  by 5 steps( example increased the ASCII value of '  *a*  ' by 2 
thus making it   ' * c*  '  
2. Increase the ASCII value of the character at the *EVEN index* of the 
string  by 1 step( example increased the ASCII value of ' * b*  ' by 1 thus 
making it   '  *c*  '
3. Print the new encrypted string on Screen. I need it stored in a new 
string variable say z *(OUTPUT : ccebdd  )*
3. Insert a ' - ' between each pair of characters of the string and store 
in new string in another string variable say y.
4. Print string y on the screen  * (OUTPUT : cc-eb-dd  ) *
5. Change all the characters in the string into its number equivalent. ( 
a=1,b=2,c=3,.....) and separate the numbers representing each character by 
 '  :  ' 
6. Store the new string from the above operation in variable v and print v  
: 3:3-5:2-4:4)*

Guys .. Try to help me out !!.. I tried searching everywhere on the 
internet for steps in doing the above operations in Julia but haven't found 
anything.. I always get the index errors for treating Julia the C way.. 
Please try to create a program that does the above.. Just so that Its 
easier for me to understand what you are doing in the program rather than 
type the directives in English and then later misunderstanding stuff... I 
need to learn doing the above procedure the right way without messing with 
stuff like using indexes in strings for character manipulation that may get 
deprecated in the future..

Thanks !! Waiting eagerly for a reply !!  

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