Is it possible to increase size of a created sparse matrix in a following 

julia> m = sparse([2,3], [1,1], [1,3])
3x1 sparse matrix with 2 Int64 entries:
    [2, 1]  =  1
    [3, 1]  =  3

julia> m[4,1] = 1
ERROR: BoundsError
 in setindex! at sparse/sparsematrix.jl:1493

julia> m.m = 4

julia> m[4,1] = 1

julia> m
4x1 sparse matrix with 3 Int64 entries:
    [2, 1]  =  1
    [3, 1]  =  3
    [4, 1]  =  1

Or it will be a dirty hack? What about sparse vector?

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