I have the following function defined to check whether a record exists in a 
Mongodb database (thanks a million for PyCall, which make it easy to use 
to interact with mongodb in julia).

function doesrecexist(collectn::PyObject, rec::Dict{ASCIIString,Any})
    # checks if record exists.
    r = collectn[:find_one](rec)
    return r

If I define 

rec = ["p" => 0.3] 

julia recognizes it as Dict{ASCIIString, Float64}. Then if I do, 

doesrecexist(collectn, rec), I get an error saying *ERROR: `doesrecexist` 
has no method matching doesrecexist(::PyObject, 

If I remove the type declaration for rec in doesrecexist, things work fine. 
I have no other method defined for doesrecexist. Does it make sense to get 
this error, given 
that I intend to allow any values in the rec Dict by declaring Any? Is 
there a workaround where I can declare the type for rec when defining the 
function, without having 
to define doesrecexist for Float values, Int values, String values etc.

Thank you.

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