My specific issue: I would like to add the "CHull" package ( but cannot install it from github.

I first tried just Pkg.add("CHull") but this did not work; I suspect this 
is because CHull is not in the list of files in metadata.jl (although 
please correct me if I am wrong). Thus, I next tried the following 
Pkg.clone("...") commands (in the attached image) but no luck there. I ran 
Pkg.update() and repeated these steps, but still no luck. I have tried 
everything else I can think of without avail.

Caveat: while I love Julia, I am not a computer scientist by trade, so 
layman's terms are very helpful. I appreciate the help with this.

Also question: I posted this to Github, where I have posted before when I 
thought there were errors, but a poster directed me to this group instead. 
Just so I have it clear, can someone tell me what venue I should be posting 
for errors? I don't want to abuse what has been a very helpful community to 
me on a number of occasions. 


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