A few more PySide.jl questions. I haven't been able to figure out the following conversions from Python:

self.setWindowFlags(QtCore.Qt.Window | QtCore.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimizeButtonHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint)

below is my failed attempt:

rbw[:setWindowFlags](QtCore["Qt"]["Window"] | QtCore["Qt"]["CustomizeWindowHint"] | QtCore["Qt"]["WindowMinimizeButtonHint"] | QtCore["Qt"]["WindowMaximizeButtonHint"])

the problem seems to be with the "|" operator, superficially it looks like a bitwise OR which should be the same in Julia and Python, but I'm not sure what it means in Qt4 context. The error I get is "ERROR: no method |(PyObject, PyObject)". I tried setting each flag one by one, but this doesn't seem to have the desired effects.

I also haven't been able to figure out the following two:

Finally, is there a way to start a PySide GUI without having the Julia shell? I've tried with `julia --eval 'reload("myapp.jl")'`, but the program exits immediately after evaluation. I've also tried with `Julia --load "myapp.jl"` but the Julia shell starts in the background.



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