Looks like a couple things going on here:

- The error is due to a mix of hcat and vcat in the definition of f; 
replacing it with either 
*f(x,y)= [y;-w^2*sin(x)-u*w^2*cos(x); -2γ*y];*
*f(x,y)= [y, -w^2*sin(x)-u*w^2*cos(x), -2γ*y];*
will fix this error.
I predict 
other errors down the line:
- f is a function of two arguments, but it is passed to ode45 with three. 
ode45 expects a function f=f(x,y) where y is a vector of length (in this 
case) 3, I guess. You could define f as a function of 3 arguments, then 
pass the anonymous function (x,y)->f(x,y,u) to ode4
- if U is a vector of length sizeU, you may get a BoundsError calling U[i] 
rather than U[j]

On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 8:33:10 AM UTC-4, Kacem HARIZ wrote:
> I got stuck by an error in Julia! please I need help!
> *here is the code:*
> *w=1;*
> *γ=0.01;*
> *f(x,y)= [y;-w^2*sin(x)-u*w^2*cos(x) -2γ*y];*
> *for i=1 : numberOfStates*
> *    x0=Sx[i+2];*
> *    y0=Sy[i+2];*
> *    for j=1:sizeU*
> *        u=U[i];*
> *        t,NX=ODE.ode45(f(x,y,u),[0,0.1],[x0,y0])*
> *    end*
> *end*
> with Sx and Sy two vectors of the same size, and U is a vector of size 
> sizeU.
> *and here is the error message:*
> mismatch in dimension 1
> while loading In[94], in expression starting on line 5
>  in cat at abstractarray.jl:631
>  in hcat at abstractarray.jl:671
>  in hvcat at abstractarray.jl:966
>  in f at In[90]:3
>  in oderkf at /home/juser/.julia/v0.3/ODE/src/ODE.jl:208
>  in ode45_dp at /home/juser/.julia/v0.3/ODE/src/ODE.jl:303
>  in anonymous at no file:10
> Best regards,
> Kacem

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