Sorry, last prompt in CL code should be "cl-user", not "foo". So full code
should look like this:

 ;; initially working from cl-user package
 cl-user> (defpackage foo (:use :common-lisp)) ;; automatically switched to
new package
 foo> (defvar x 1)
 foo> x
 foo> (in-package :cl-user)
 cl-user> x
 ;; error: x not defined in :cl-user

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Andrei <> wrote:

> In module.c in Julia sources I see "jl_set_current_module()" function. Is
> it somehow exposed to Julia API?
> To give you some context, in Common Lisp (as well as some other dialects)
> there are 2 separate macros for dealing with packages (analogue of modules
> in Julia):
>  defpackage - defines new package and switches to it
>  in-package - simply switches to specified package
> One great feature that these macros bring is ability to easily switch
> context of execution. E.g. in REPL (code simplified):
>  ;; initially working from cl-user package
>  cl-user> (defpackage foo (:use :common-lisp)) ;; automatically switched
> to new package
>  foo> (defvar x 1)
>  X
>  foo> x
>  1
>  foo> (in-package :cl-user)
>  foo> x
>  ;; error: x not defined in :cl-user
> This is extremely helpful for both - package extension and
> debugging/interactive development. E.g. we can switch to a module in
> question and get all internal variables visible, play around in that
> context and go back to main package without stopping REPL.
> So I'm wondering if something like this is possible in Julia at all.

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