I got it working with:
for i = 1:51
for j = 1:23
r.Board[i,j] = json["Board"][i][j]["Name"]
I would like to better understand what the checkbounds error does.
Now that I've done this imperatively, is there a better way I could parse
this nested array of json:
They are not actually in my code. They represent the rest of the 23x51
Here is the basic rowxcolumn for loops I'm using to parse:
for i in json["Board"]
for j in json["Board"][i]
r.Board[i,j] = json["Board"][i][j]["Name"]
When I use while i <= 5 it parses.
On Thursda
r being of type Response with some other game state data.
On Thursday, March 27, 2014 11:09:10 AM UTC-4, Collin Glass wrote:
> They are not actually in my code. They represent the rest of the 23x51
> cells.
> Here is the basic rowxcolumn for loops I'm using to parse:
> for i in json["Board"