I don't know what your exact use case is, but you should't be using macros 
like that.

Does @inline g()  suit your purposes?

If not, I recommend making your example a bit more pertinent to what you 
want accomplished.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 3:43:10 PM UTC-5, ami...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this quite weird situation:
> module Mod
> export @generate_macro_f, @generate_function_g, h
> macro generate_f()
>     return esc(quote
>         macro f(name)
>             return quote
>                 print($name)
>             end
>         end
>     end)
> end
> macro generate_g()
>     return esc(quote
>         function g()
>             @f("hello")
>             print(" world\n")
>         end
>     end)
> end
> function h()
>     @generate_f()
>     @generate_g()
> end
> end
> using Mod
> h()
> g()
> I want the function g to be generated using only one call to a function, 
> here h (or possible a macro...), outside the module. Such a code would 
> return an error saying that @f is not defined, and I don't understand why 
> since I escaped the quote block of generate_f. This example is of course 
> oversimplified but @f needs to be called inside g.
> Any thought?
> Many thanks,

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