julia> getfield(Base, :println)("Hello")

On Friday, September 12, 2014 10:18:11 AM UTC-4, Ben Arthur wrote:
> is there a way to convert a symbol to a function.  right now i'm resorting 
> to:
> julia> names(Base)[1] 
> :isexecutable 
> julia> methods(names(Base)[1]) 
> ERROR: `methods` has no method matching methods(::Symbol) 
> julia> eval(parse("methods("*string(names(Base)[1])*")")) 
> # 2 methods for generic function "isexecutable": 
> isexecutable(st::StatStruct) at stat.jl:76 
> isexecutable(path...) at stat.jl:103
> just trying to reflect on the already defined functions.
> as an alternative---  is there a way to get a list of functions as type 
> Function, not type Symbol?
> thanks.

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