On Version 0.5.0-rc1+0

using ReverseDiffSource; rdiff(:(x^3), x=2.0)
ERROR: error in type inference due to #265
 in error(::String) at ./error.jl:21
 in typed_vcat(::Type{Any}, ::Array{ReverseDiffSource.ExNode,1}, ::Array{Any
,1}) at ./abstractarray.jl:894
 in vcat(::Array{ReverseDiffSource.ExNode,1}, ::Array{Any,1}) at ./array.jl:
 in prune!(::ReverseDiffSource.ExGraph, ::Array{ReverseDiffSource.ExNode,1}) 
at /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/ReverseDiffSource/src/graph.jl:268
 in #rdiff#126(::Void, ::Int64, ::Module, ::Bool, ::Bool, 
::Array{Symbol,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Function, ::Expr) at 
 in (::ReverseDiffSource.#kw##rdiff)(::Array{Any,1}, 
::ReverseDiffSource.#rdiff, ::Expr) at ./<missing>:0

I am posting this here in the hope that others have tried to use 
ReverseDiffSource on v0.5 and can confirm that they have the same problem, 
or whether there is a fix?

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