On Monday, October 6, 2014 12:31:17 PM UTC-5, Andreas Noack wrote:
> There are fwdTriSolve! and bwdTriSolve! in linalg/sparse.jl, but there are
> not A_ldiv_B!(Triangular{SparsesCSC}, StridedVector) versions yet, but they
> should be fairly easy to add.
Thanks, Andreas. I thought I had seen
There are fwdTriSolve! and bwdTriSolve! in linalg/sparse.jl, but there are
not A_ldiv_B!(Triangular{SparsesCSC}, StridedVector) versions yet, but they
should be fairly easy to add.
Med venlig hilsen
Andreas Noack
2014-10-06 13:06 GMT-04:00 Douglas Bates :
> Is there an existing method for solvi
Is there an existing method for solving sparse triangular systems - taking
advantage of the sparseness and the triangularity?
It seems that with the templated Triangular type taking the matrix type as
well as the element type it should be straightforward to create a