Hi all,

I have a problem that has made me scratch my head for many hours now! It 
might be something obvious that I am missing. I have a Newton-Raphson code 
to solve a system of nonlinear equations. The error that I get here does 
not have anything to do with the algorithm, but just to be clear, I need to 
find the best possible solution if the equations are not solvable, so I am 
trying to stop simulation when the direction found by Newton-Raphson is not 
correct! In order to do that I put an if-loop in the beginning of the main 
loop to take x from the previous iteration (x_previous), but I get 
x_previous not defined! I am using the Optim package to do a line search 
after the direction has been found by Newton-Raphson. If Optim is not used, 
things work perfectly (I tried by commenting out those lines of code). 
Otherwise I get the error I mentioned. My code is here: 
https://gist.github.com/prezaei85/372bde76012472865a94, which solves a 
simple one-variable quadratic equation. Any thoughts are very much 


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