I posted a similar question a week or 10 days ago without a reply. I am 
giving this a try again.

I was able to get the call to work at home with something like the 
following: When I would change the file println's below would display the 
information in the console. However, I had no access to the console anymore, 
it ignore my typing once it starting making those callback calls.

watch_file( (fn, ev, st) -> begin
                         println("File:     " * string(fn))
                         println("Event:  " *string(ev))
                         println("Status: " 8 string(st))

Now, at work, I cannot get this to do anything when I edit and save the file

So what is the expected behavior? Is it broken now? How would I stop 
watching a file after making such a call? 

julia> watch_file((fn, ev,st)->begin
       println("File: " * fn)
       println("Event: " * ev)
       println("Status: " * st)

FileMonitor(Ptr{Void} @0x000000002107af70,(anonymous 

julia> wf=watch_file((fn, ev,st)->begin
       println("File: " * fn)
       println("Event: " * ev)
       println("Status: " * st)
FileMonitor(Ptr{Void} @0x000000002107dc10,(anonymous 

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