Re: [julia-users] Wrapping my head around coroutines

2014-03-27 Thread Stefan Karpinski
Coroutines are control flow, so all of them run in the same process sequentially. The distributed primitives are different – those are potentially in separate processes. > On Mar 27, 2014, at 10:06 PM, Collin Glass wrote: > > Hi, I'm almost done a bomberman client for an AI hackathon, I just n

[julia-users] Wrapping my head around coroutines

2014-03-27 Thread Collin Glass
Hi, I'm almost done a bomberman client for an AI hackathon, I just need to get the TCP input to run in it's own thread. I have the following code: include("bomberman.jl") try GAMEIP = "" GAMEPORT = 4 player = Player(GAMEIP, GAMEPORT) print(typeof(play