
I've been thinking about writing a Julia package thats similar to lmfit 
<http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/intro.html>, which provides a nice api for 
developing and exploring fitting models. I'll show you one of the key parts 
of the api, you create a Model from a function, and the model knows about 
all arguments which will be the fit parameters. You can then give 
parameters values, bounds, and fix or unfix them easily, and pass a 
Parameters object into a fit function call to be used for starting guesses.
In [1]: import lmfit

In [*8*]: def myfunc(x,a,b,c=4): return x*a+b*c

In [*9*]: model=lmfit.Model(myfunc)

In [*10*]: params = model.make_params(myfunc);params.pretty_print()


    'a': <Parameter 'a', -inf, bounds=[-inf:inf]>, 

    'b': <Parameter 'b', -inf, bounds=[-inf:inf]>, 

    'c': <Parameter 'c', 4, bounds=[-inf:inf]>, 


Clearly, we can't do exactly the same thing in Julia because myfunc could 
have multiple definitions to worth with multiple dispatch. So perhaps 
something like the following could work?

*julia> **myfunc(x,a,b;c=4) = x*a+b*c*

*myfunc (generic function with 1 method)*

*julia> **method = @which myfunc(4,5,6;c=7)*

*myfunc(x, a, b) at none:1*

*julia> **model = Model(method)*

It looks like Base.arg_decl_parts will get me a list of the arguments, but 
it doesn't know about the keyword arguments or default values (neither does 
@which). Maybe use this API, but require keyword arguments to be added 

Or I could try something like

*julia> **x,a,b=collect(1:10),4,5*

*julia> **@Model myfunc(x,a,b;c=4)*

Then all the information about desired arguments is in the argument to the 
macro. But it seems annoying to for you to define a bunch of probably 
useless variables just to make the macro call to build the mode.

I don't have a good sense for how any of these would interact with callable 
types, any problems that come to mind?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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